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Anyone can contribute

CasaBio is free to use for anyone; students, teachers, researchers, conservationists, any everyone else. Photographs of plants and animals can be uploaded in bulk or individually.

icon moderation

Community moderation

Anyone in the community can vote to help identify observations, and tag the interaction between species in the photos. Members with higher reliability scores have more more weight when giving their opinion.

icon tools

Scientific tools

Lists, tables, maps, metrics, charts, reports; all searchable, filterable, and sortable. All the powerful tools you need to for your research or conservation work. Need a tool that isn't available? Just request it.

Latest observations

  • 294
  • 54071
  • 68023
  • 100634
  • 53805

We Need Your Help

Record your observations

Upload your photos of plants and animals and attach information to them them in bulk.

Create useful reports

CasaBio provides many kinds of helpful reports to analyse your data. You can even ask us to create one for you.

Track fluctuations

View charts and browse tables of contributed info to see how your favourite species are doing.

Crowdsource Identifications

Any observations that you can't identify will quickly be identified by other community members for you.

Generate printable documents

When you need to show your contributions or submit them officially, just print them straight from CasaBio.

Share your expertise

Show how knowledgeable you are by identifying others' contributions; there are many ways to help.

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